Thursday, July 23, 2009

so today we did a lot of stuff, it was kinda hectec (as everything has been so far) I will give a quick overveiw of my day to show you why I'm so incredibly tired.

wake up. stumble into shower. get out. get dressed. put shirt on backwards. go to prayer. go to breakfast. eat 3 bowls of fruit loops. (payback for the fruitloopless childhood my mother forced on me) go to spanish lessons with Emma, the coolest girl around! She may be the best spanish brotha out theeree. (written by Emma. although I do agree) Feel like I missed a lot of spanish jokes the teacher made about me. go for early lunch in brown bag in van. go to gargantuan cemetary. name it dirty grave town. get lost while getting answers we need for questions about dirty grave town. get lost again. repeat x4. think about buying ourselves mosoleums in dirty grave town. learn lots about dead people and what they did wrong. look at garbage. take pictures of garbage. feel bad for people working in garbage. be frightend by hundreds of massive human eating vultures that live in garbage. say goodbye to Eddie as vulture carries him off into the sunset. go to mall and look at things that poor guatemalans could never afford. feel bad. eat hawaiin pizza. be disappointed there is no such thing as guatamalan pizza. come back to Casas. lose to Brendon in pizza eating race. listen to speaker. try not to fall asleep because it is interesting, but we are so dang tired. finish listening to speaker. go for a nice graze. watch movie on guatemalan civil war. be forced to blog as everyone else is on roof laughing. feel like I'm on time out. realize my shirt is on backwards. oops.

the cematary was really big and I have never seen so many graves in my life. honestly it was like a town there were roads and the cemetary went on for at least 5 good sized consessions. it was weird to be surrounded by so much dead memorabelia, it kinda had a soffocating effect after awhile (or that might just have been the sun) but then to stand among the tombs and look out over the valley of the dump it was weird to think that people's bodies when thier time is done end up so much like the once valuable objects that now lie in the dump not 500 yards away. the only difference was that the garbage had people working with it while the graves were completely forgotten. It was with this in mind that we headed to the mall where we saw a glimpse of life back home in the reflection of the lifestyle of the few affluent guatemalans whose lives were so different from the ones working in the dump. soon we were back home and we had a speaker to listen to. I really did not want to listen to his story going into the seminar but it ended up being very interesting. he was hiding in the mountains for a long time during the war and many in his family were killed. the fact that he spoke no english kinda took away from the presentaion because it was choppy, but it was very interesting none the less and gave us lots to think about. after the speaker we watched a movie on the civil war and learned a lot, there were so many different things going on in the war that I still don't really understand everybody's motives. but it is interesting to try to unravle why it happend.

although I do joke about the day and quite calously describe feeling bad for poor guatamalans the things we did and saw today really gave me alot to think about. but I'll leave the thinking for another time.
fingers hurt. hope this shed at least some light on what we are doing. need sleep.
-Addy out

1 comment:

  1. Hey Addy,
    Great to hear a "life in the day" - I remember being in that part of the world where the suns sets so early and the sun rises so early and the roosters never seem to go to sleep! It must be a real eye-opener all the things you're seeing and learning about. I pray that God will continue to keep you and the team safe and that He will be a real presence in your life as He continues to work in you and shape you.
    Take care and when you get back, we can talk thyroidisms!
